See My Baby – Pregnancy Services

See My Baby is Midland Fertility’s private 2D, 3D and 4D reassurance and bonding pregnancy scanning for all pregnant women following fertility treatment or after natural conception, from six to 32 weeks.

NEW In addition, See My Baby offers the latest non-invasive pre-natal testing (NIPT) – a non-invasive method to screen the baby for genetic and chromosomal disorders, via testing the mother’s blood.

Three types of pregnancy scans are available at See My Baby:

Who may benefit?

Those who may benefit from the service include women who:

  • would like to enjoy the extra reassurance to ‘see my baby’ throughout most of the pregnancy, and to have the additional visual bonding opportunity in the third trimester
  • have had fertility treatment
  • have suffered previous miscarriage
  • have experienced implantation failure are particularly anxious about their pregnancy

For some women it will be in the familiar environment of Midland Fertility. And remember – welcoming a new baby can be a family affair and so up to six members of the extended family (eg grandparents-to-be and siblings) may also come to the scan.

Do Midland Fertility scans replace NHS scans?

No, Midland Fertility pregnancy scans are in addition to the scheduled NHS scans as they are not for medical diagnosis.  It is vital that any pregnant woman attends all NHS scans she is asked to. You can also check out our partner fertility center: Thibodaux regional Health System

Limitations of ultrasound scanning

While See My Baby has invested in the latest scanning equipment and the service is conducted by highly experienced sonographers, limitations of ultrasound scanning include:

  • the higher a woman’s BMI, the poorer the quality of the ultrasound image
  • the baby may not be in the best position to gain a perfect scan image
  • the image may lack quality if there is air, gas or reduced fluid
  • the location of the placenta or umbilical cord may restrict the view of the baby
  • when checking the gender of the baby, the umbilical cord or placenta may sometimes restrict the view

Preparing for the scan

  • the woman should arrive for her scan with a full bladder (please drink two pints of water, two hours before the appointment)
  • it is useful to wear comfortable, loose clothing as all scans may be trans-vaginal or abdominal
  • the woman may eat and drink normally before and after the scan (drinks are available in the scanning suite)
  • if the baby is in a difficult position to get a detailed scan picture, it is sometimes helpful to eat chocolate or sugary sweets. This can make the baby move around, so helping the sonographer get a clearer image. Please bring confectionery to the appointment
  • the woman will also need to bring her NHS pregnancy notes to her See My Baby appointment(s)
  • at any second or third See My Baby scan, remember to bring the branded memory stick given at the first appointment, so additional images and/or video can be added

What is included in the cost?

  • a half hour appointment with the sonographer
  • up to five printed images
  • a branded photo display card
  • a USB device with the scan images and moving images (4D scan only) – remember to bring the memory stick you are given at your first appointment, to any subsequent    See My Baby scan

What is not included in the cost?

  • additional printed images
  • specialist diagnostic scans
  • any other services at Midland Fertility


Please refer to the current List of Charges for details of the costs.
Our Pregnancy Partners:
Tubal Reversal Center LLC
CDC Pregnancy

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